Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1750 point Space Wolf List for the SpoCon Grand Tournament.

1750 Space Wolves
For the Rout!
For the Aett!
For the Vlka Fenryka!
For Russ!
For the Allfather!


Wolf Lord - 295
-          Thunder Wolf
-          Thunder Hammer’
-          Storm Shield
-          Wolf Tooth Necklace
-          Wolf Tail Talisman
-          Runic Armor
-          2x Fenrisian Wolves
-          Saga of the Bear

“And when he rode into battle upon trust Icetooth all knew they had woken a wolf that was a bear, and that none would stand before him!” From the Saga of Harald Deathwolf

Rune Priest - 100
-          Living Lightning
-          Storm Caller

“Lightning roared with the storm, blinding flashes rended, the foes of the Emperor.” From the Saga of Urnger Lightningson

(2x) 5x Grey Hunters - 310
-          Flamer
-          Razorback (Assault Cannon, Dozer Blade)

“They think themselves men, these pups newly raised to the grey,” derided Wolf Guard Urmek, but as he smelled the smell of burnt ork flesh he looked back and said “Huh maybe they are right at that.”

(2x) 5x Grey Hunters -320
-          Meltagun
-          Razorback (Assault Cannon, Dozer Blade)

“Ride with me brothers, ride with me on your mounts of steel, and join the murder-make!!!” – Canis Wolfborn.

Fast Attack

5x Thunderwolf Cavalry - 370
-          1x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
-          2x Storm Shield

“They are our teeth, those who embody the spirit and soul of the Rout, they are our greatest and most secret of weapons, used only at the most dire of times. Mark well that I unleash them now.” – Logan Grimnar, attributed.

Heavy Support

5x Long Fangs - 95
-          4x Heavy Bolter

“Fear the thunder we make as we defend our Aett, and look frightfully on the remains of your kin, for soon that is all that will be left of you.” – Attributed to Long Fang Pack Leader from the Great Company of Gunnar Red Moon.

6x Long Fangs - 140
-          5x Missile Launchers

“Huh and I thought they were supposed to be tough.” – A Long Fang after shooting a Tyranid Bio-form.

Predator - 120
-          Lascannon Sponsons
“Let the Growl of its Engines match the growl in the throat of every member of the Vlka Fenryka!” – Iron Priest Myurn Steelrider.

Total:  1750

“You scare me wolf-brothers. You scare everything.” – Skjald Kasper Howser.

Kant: Non-Consequentialist Gameplay

Immanual Kant is one of the most influential of all philosophers. He is also famous for being one of the hardest to read and incredibly convoluted. However he set the ethical standards which we still hold strong in many cases. Kant was a deontologist, one who believed all ethics were rooted in duty. This led him to being heavily against consequentialist thinkers such as the Utilitarians in England. I want to take a view of non-consequentialist gameplay.

First I believe I should state what I mean by "non-consequentialist gameplay." Quite simply this idea is to not view units and actions as means to an end, but the actual action as an end to itself. What makes a non-Consequentialist player different from a consequentialist one? Quite simply a non-consequentialist takes the actions that they take into more consideration than the result of those actions. A consequentialist would say, "I am going to have unit X, charge unit Y, in order to hold it off for a turn so Unit Z can join in and kill then next turn." A non-consequentialist would disagree, he would take each move on an individual basis and not try to waste energy, he will hide when it seems hiding is appropriate, attack when attacking is appropriate. He will worry about the effects of his actions when it is time to take action again, but not before. That does not mean he completely ignores the possibilities inherent in his actions, but views them as that one of a myriad of possibilities that are acceptable so long as he makes a reasonable choice.

It is hard to say if I support this type of strategy or not. It may seem nebulous but it really affects standard as to which we play. A consequentialist army will likely have a number of throwaway units and position itself to take advantages of openings it will try to create with these units. A non-consequentialist list will generally have a large number of well rounded units, all of which can perform multiple roles individually, and the player will play each unit as an individual with a loose overall strategy.

Long Time no Blog

Yeah I am bad with blogs, I will admit it. However I will try to start be better in the future. I have come up with some really cool philosophical point to make in relation to 40k. So soon I will be testing your minds as well as your dice with some new posts!

Until than here is what I have been up too:
Painted a 1500 point Iron Warriors Army
Painted and built many more Space Wolves
Started working on a Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons army.
Actually am playing a game or two of Fantasy a month.
Kicking butt and coming in 4th at many a local tournament.