Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To the Kantian Side once more: Examples of Consequentialist and Non consequentialist armies

For this article I will be creating and explaining "consequentialist and non-consequentialist" lists in 40k. For this purpose I will be using the Space Wolf Codex for it is the codex that I know best.

Army 1 "The Consequentialist"

Thunder Wolf Lord - 295
- Saga of the Bear
- 2x Fen wolves

Rune Priest - 100


(3x) 5x Grey Hunters - 450
- Flamer
-Razorback (Assault Cannon)

 5x Grey Hunters - 155
- Meltagun
-Razorback (Assault Cannon)

Fast Attack
5x Thunder Wolves - 370
- 2x SS

15x Fen Wolves - 120

Heavy Support

6x Long Fangs - 140
- 5x Missile Launchers

Predator - 120
- Las Sponsons

Total: 1750

Here the Consequentialist (which is me, if you look at the list and than look at my spocon list) would use his Fen Wolves as a  throw-away, to be thrown at units to provoke counter assaults and lead the way for the Thunder Wolf Cav. The Fen Wolves themselves are not important, merely what they can do for my cavalry is.

Also the Grey Hunters are at their bare minimum, the only reasons for them is to hold objectives and to get me assault cannons. I do not expect them to do any heavy lifting themselves.

Consequentialist armies are often heavily pointed in areas other than in troops. The exception of course being armies like nids and orks. They use their troops as relative throwaways in order to gain advantages for their more hard hitting units.

List 2: Non Consequentialist Armies


Rune Priest - 115
- Living Lightning
- Storm caller
- Chooser
- Melta-bomb

Rune Priest - 110
- Living Lightning
- Tempests Wrath
- Chooser

Wolf Priest - 105
- Meltabomb

Wolf Priest - 100

5x Wolf Guard - 170
- 4x Powerfist

8x Grey Hunters - 210
- Meltagun
- Power Weapon
- Mark of the Wulfen
- Rhino (EA, DB)

8x Grey Hunters - 210
- Meltagun
- Power Weapon
- Mark of the Wulfen
- Rhino (EA, DB)

8x Grey Hunters - 210
- Meltagun
- Power Weapon
- Mark of the Wulfen
- Rhino (EA, DB)

8x Grey Hunters - 210
- Meltagun
- Power Weapon
- Mark of the Wulfen
- Rhino (EA, DB)

Fast Attack

Land Speeder Typhoon - 90

Land Speeder Typhoon - 90

Heavy Support

6x Long Fangs - 140
- 5x Missile Launchers

6x Long Fangs - 140
- 5x Missile Launchers

A Non-consequentialist list can be very spammy. This is fora simple reason, every unit has to be able to do the same purpose. While the squads with RPs will be slightly better at range and vice versa for the ones with wolf priests in close combat they can both do both jobs relatively well. Everything here is meant to try and survive, and every slot of the Force org is used. There are no "Throwaway" units.