Thursday, December 30, 2010

Philosophical 40k and me, my biography and what the Hell this blog is going to be about.

This is Zeev, some of you may know me as the Eater of Chat, and this is my blog.

So after listening to a certain podcast (Independent Characters episode #6) I have decided to start a blog. I have been playing 40k for about 2 years now and decided I have enough experience that I do not feel like a complete idiot for trying to share my newbie ideas. While I doubt anybody will get many game changing ideas from me you never know what might happen.

So what is The Philosophical 40k?

Well you see while I am a 40k player by night by day I am a philosophy student. So I have decided to merge these two things into a (hopefully) interesting blog. While I will still have the standard posts about tactics, lists, painting, tourneys, and other such wonderful things I plan on also have articles dealing with the philosophical ideas I have learned in classes and on my own and applying them to 40k. Whether this be the game itself, the community, individual players, or the fluff that I philosophize about I hope it will let me stand out from the crowd a little bit and give a nice little twist to the usual blogging experience.

A little more about me. I am 20 years old. I have been playing 40k for about 2 years now as I previously said. I play Space Wolves, Tau, and Orks. I have also recently acquired a bike army that will become Pre-heresy White Scars and am starting a Pre-Heresy Thousand Suns army. I have read a large number of Black Library Novels so am decently knowledgeable about fluff. I am an ok player, admittedly one who likes very  nasty lists. I hope you all enjoy my Blog!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following your Progress here Zeev! And just think..this is your place so if you kill the Chat one can blame you!
